Kyle Swanson

Electrical Engineer, Software Developer & Aspiring Game Designer

Hello there! I'm Kyle.

I'm an electrical engineer in San Diego, California. In recent years I have pursued my passion for software development and game design. In all areas of my life, I enjoy learning and trying new things. This website is a testimonial to that! Here is a place where I keep track of my personal projects and post my latest thoughts and activities.

Electrical Engineer
I have 15+ years of experience working with positioning, navigation, and timing systems. I specialize in the testing and performance evaluation of GPS user equipment.
Software Developer
I am most skilled in C# and C++ desktop application programming. I also dabble in multi-platform application development with Flutter and full-stack web development.
Game Designer
Growing up I always loved playing games. These days I play table top games because I find the social interaction aspect so rewarding. I want to create games with compelling experiences for others to enjoy.

My Recent Projects

Lemon 3D

Following a 3D Beginner Unity tutorial

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Paddle Harder

My first game!

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A project to build an IoT device

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Latest Blog Posts

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Using ChatGPT To Write My Blog Articles

November 20, 2023

 •  6 min read

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Web Dev

Animating a Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG)

November 20, 2023

 •  7 min read

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